Stop Big Pharma’s $32 Billion Money Grab from America’s Seniors
Big Pharma already games the system to block competition and keep drug prices high. Now, Big Pharma is pushing a self-serving “delinking” agenda, which would give Big Pharma a $32 BILLION windfall at the expense of hardworking Americans, including seniors.
Big Pharma’s latest “delinking” would:
All while threatening Medicare Part D beneficiaries, especially seniors, with BILLIONS in increased premiums.

The Economics of “Delinking” PBM Compensation
“A significant share of these higher costs (an estimated $6.3 billion–$21.9 billion) would accrue to drug manufacturers.[…] Therefore, the aggregate effect of delinking in the commercial market and Part D could be an increase of more than $32 billion in drug profits.” ~Alex Brill
The Truth About Big Pharma’s “Delinking” Agenda:
Additional Information on Rx Drug Rebates
Regulating PBMs will not reduce drug costs – it will only help keep drug prices high. Don’t fall for Big Pharma’s money grab “delinking” agenda.

Rebates Unrelated to Higher Drug Prices

Ending Pay for PBM Performance: Consequences for Prescription Drug Prices, Utilization, and Government Spending

PBMs are working every day on behalf of employers, helping them provide high-quality, cost-effective prescription drug coverage to employees and their families.